Authority Magazine: Interview with Zee Field

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?

My journey into the world of fashion began back when I was a teenager playing guitar and singing at local nightclubs and cabarets in Paris, such as Le Pied de la Butte which means the foot of the hill. It was really at the foot of the hill of Montmartre where the more famous Moulin Rouge is located. I would also do other odd jobs like being a magician assistant or occasionally a couturiere (seamstress) and photographer. I was basically doing anything that other people would not do for such little money.

This is how I got my first contract from a Parisian businessman who had several stores in the city and wanted to create his own collection. I can’t say this was a huge success, but it opened my eyes to new opportunities in the world of fashion.

I am the youngest of 9, 4 girls and 5 boys. Our mother used to make all our clothing as she had been a couturiere herself. She taught us how to knit, make patterns, sew, and cook some home-cooked French cuisine.

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