Luke’s FastBreaks
Luke’s FastBreaks is a Non-profit organization that is making a difference in the lives of children with cancer all across the nation. Luke Lange, the founder of Luke’s Fastbreaks, is a Pediatric Cancer Survivor who saw a need and designed a caring solution.
“Early on during my treatment I told my parents wearing the hospital gown made me feel even sicker. I just wanted to feel like a normal kid. With that in mind we designed a long shirt with snaps along each side for me to wear in the hospital. Soon all the other kids in the hospital started asking where they could get one too, and that’s how Luke’s FastBreaks started.” ~ Luke Lange
Profade Apparel & Medical Shirts
A great idea needs great execution. When Luke’s organization first contacted Profade Apparel, they needed our expertise to bring their vision to life with a higher-quality product and a production schedule to meet their growing demand. We are thrilled to produce the shirts, socks, and blankets for this amazing organization.
Luke’s FastBreaks Medical Shirts are available in a variety of colors and styles, original graphics, featuring matching snaps to match each shirt. We have built in special comfort measures and safety-tested the garments for MRI and X-ray equipment compatibility. #BESTRONG #FEARLESS

More than Just A Convenience
Children love the privacy that the medical shirts provide, which they can’t get from traditional hospital gowns. The opportunity to express themselves with the different colors and designs is a welcome distraction during long hospital stays.
Medical Shirt Care Packages
Luke’s FastBreaks has visited 100’s of hospitals all over the U.S. to encourage and support children and their families.
Care Packages contain:
One Luke’s FastBreaks Medical Shirt, a cup, a blanket, “Be Strong” socks (produced by Profade Apparel), and other donated items.
Learn How You Can Help: visit

Don’t Miss It!
Luke’s FastBreaks 2023 BBQ Bash!
Special Guest
Dallas Cowboy Legend – Charles Haley
Date: Sunday, November 5th, 2923
Time: 3:00 PM – 6:30 PM
Location: 9245 Hollow Way Rd, Dallas TX 75220
Meet Charles Haley and watch the game on the Big Screens. Enjoy Kent Rathbun’s curbside BBQ. Live Auction at Halftime By Luke Lange. Raffles and More!
Purchase Your Tickets Today!